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In Python, the double slash (//) is known as the floor division operator. It performs division between two numbers and rounds down the result to the nearest whole number, or integer. This means it returns the largest integer less than or equal to the actual division result.

What Does // Do in Python?

1. How it Works:

When you use the // operator between two numbers, Python will divide the first number by the second and then round down to the nearest whole number. Here are some examples to illustrate:

# Example 1: Floor division with positive numbers
result = 7 // 2
print(result)  # Output: 3, because 7 divided by 2 is 3.5, and the floor division rounds it down to 3.

# Example 2: Floor division with a negative number
result = -7 // 2
print(result)  # Output: -4, because -7 divided by 2 is -3.5, and the floor division rounds it down to -4.

# Example 3: Floor division with float numbers
result = 7.0 // 2
print(result)  # Output: 3.0, because 7.0 divided by 2 is 3.5, and the floor division rounds it down to 3.0.


The // operator is very useful when you need to perform division and only care about the whole number part of the result, without any fractions or decimals. It ensures that the result is always rounded down to the nearest whole number, making it a handy tool for tasks that require integer division.

Understanding and using the floor division operator can help make your Python code more efficient and suited to specific types of mathematical calculations.


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