The error message “Cannot Use Import Statement Outside a Module” is common in JavaScript and often encountered by developers who are working with ES modules (ECMAScript modules). Understanding why this error occurs and how to resolve it is key to successfully using modern JavaScript modules.

Understanding the Error

This error arises when you attempt to use an import statement in a JavaScript environment that does not recognize ES modules by default. In JavaScript, there are two main module systems:

  1. CommonJS (CJS) – This is the module system used in Node.js by default. It relies on the require() function to load modules.
  2. ES Modules (ESM) – This is the modern module system introduced in ECMAScript 6 (ES6). It uses import and export syntax to include and expose modules.

The error “Cannot use import statement outside a module” typically occurs when the environment expects CommonJS syntax (i.e., require()) but encounters an ES module syntax (i.e., import), leading to confusion on how to handle the module.

Causes of the Error

Wrong Module System: If you're running JavaScript in an environment that defaults to CommonJS, such as Node.js prior to version 12, and attempt to use import, the runtime will not recognize the ES module syntax, leading to this error.

File Type (.js vs .mjs): JavaScript files typically have a .js extension. In Node.js, files with a .js extension are treated as CommonJS by default. ES Modules require either a .mjs extension or a specific configuration in your environment to be recognized as modules.

Incorrect Package Configuration: If you're using Node.js, your package.json file needs a "type": "module" entry to let Node.js know that your project uses ES modules. Without this, Node.js assumes you're using CommonJS and will throw the error if it encounters an import statement.

Solutions to Fix the Error

1. Switch to CommonJS Syntax

If you're working in an environment that expects CommonJS, you can switch from using import/export to the CommonJS syntax:

Replace import statements with require():

const myModule = require('./myModule');

Replace export with module.exports:

module.exports = myModule;

This is the easiest solution if you're not using ES modules or do not need to use modern JavaScript features.

2. Enable ES Modules in Node.js

If you prefer to use ES modules, you need to let Node.js know that you're working in an ES module environment:

Use the .mjs file extension: By changing your file extension to .mjs instead of .js, Node.js will automatically treat the file as an ES module.

Modify the package.json: You can add "type": "module" in your package.json file. This lets Node.js know that all .js files in your project should be treated as ES modules:

  "type": "module"

After this, you can use import statements without encountering the error.

3. Use a Build Tool

If you're working in a complex project with multiple files and dependencies, using a build tool like Webpack, Babel, or Parcel can help you transpile modern ES modules into a format that's compatible with older environments, including CommonJS.

These tools bundle your code into a single or few files and convert ES module syntax into something your environment can understand.

Here’s an example of using Babel to transpile ES modules:

Install Babel:

npm install --save-dev @babel/core @babel/preset-env @babel/cli

Create a .babelrc configuration file with the following content:

  "presets": ["@babel/preset-env"]

Use Babel to transpile your files:

npx babel src --out-dir dist

This process will convert your ES module syntax into CommonJS, making it compatible with environments that do not support ES modules directly.

4. Run in Browser with type="module"

If you're running JavaScript in the browser and encountering this error, ensure that your script tag includes the type="module" attribute:

<script type="module" src="index.js"></script>

This tells the browser to treat the file as an ES module and allows you to use import and export without issues.


The “Cannot Use Import Statement Outside a Module” error is a common pitfall for developers working with modern JavaScript. The solution depends on the environment you're working in. If you’re in a Node.js environment, either switch to CommonJS syntax or enable ES modules. For front-end projects, ensure your script tags include type="module". If you're working on a larger project, using a build tool like Babel or Webpack can ensure compatibility across environments. Understanding the module system you’re using will help you avoid this error and make the most of JavaScript’s modern features.


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