In Python, there is no built-in do-while loop as seen in some other programming languages like C or Java. However, you can simulate a do-while loop using a while loop. A do-while loop executes its block of code at least once before checking the condition. To achieve similar behavior in Python, you can use a while loop with a break condition inside the loop. Here's an example:

Python Do While – Loop Example

1. Simulating a do-while Loop in Python

condition = True

while True:
    # Code block to execute
    print("This code block will run at least once.")
    # Update the condition based on some logic
    condition = False
    # Break out of the loop if the condition is not met
    if not condition:

In this example, the while True loop ensures that the code block is executed at least once. After executing the code block, the condition is checked, and if the condition is not met, the break statement exits the loop.

Here is another example where the condition is based on user input:

# Simulating a do-while loop with user input
while True:
    # Code block to execute
    user_input = input("Enter 'y' to continue or 'n' to stop: ")
    # Check the condition
    if user_input.lower() != 'y':
    print("You chose to continue!")

In this case, the loop continues to run until the user enters something other than 'y'.


Although Python does not have a native do-while loop, you can achieve the same functionality using a while True loop with a break statement. This approach ensures that the code block executes at least once before the condition is evaluated, effectively mimicking the behavior of a traditional do-while loop. By using this technique, you can implement do-while logic in Python to meet your specific programming needs.


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