Renaming files in Linux is a common task that can be performed using various command-line tools. Whether you are managing files on a personal computer or administrating a server, knowing how to efficiently rename files is essential. This guide will walk you through the process of renaming a file in Linux using different methods.

How To Rename a File in Linux?

There are several ways to rename a file in Linux, with the mv command being the most commonly used method. Here are the steps:

1. Using the mv Command:

The mv (move) command is the standard way to rename files in Linux. The syntax is straightforward:

mv [old filename] [new filename]

For example, to rename a file from oldname.txt to newname.txt, you would use:

mv oldname.txt newname.txt

This command moves the file to a new name, effectively renaming it.

2. Using the rename Command:

The rename command is more powerful and can handle batch renaming of files using regular expressions. The syntax varies slightly depending on the version of the rename command (Perl or util-linux). For the Perl version:

rename 's/oldname/newname/' files

For example, to rename all .txt files to .bak, you would use:

rename 's/.txt/.bak/' *.txt

3. Using File Managers:

If you prefer a graphical interface, most Linux desktop environments have file managers like Nautilus (GNOME), Dolphin (KDE), or Thunar (XFCE) that allow you to rename files. Simply right-click the file and select "Rename" from the context menu.


Renaming files in Linux can be accomplished using simple command-line tools or graphical file managers, depending on your preference and the complexity of the task. The mv command is perfect for quick renaming, while the rename command offers more flexibility for batch operations. Familiarizing yourself with these tools will enhance your efficiency in managing files on a Linux system.


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