The Python TypeError: can't compare offset-naive and offset-aware datetimes occurs when you try to compare two datetime objects where one has timezone information (offset-aware) and the other does not (offset-naive). Python's datetime module distinguishes between these two types, and direct comparison between them is not allowed.

To fix this error, you need to ensure that both datetime objects are either offset-naive or offset-aware before performing the comparison. Here’s how you can do that:

1. Convert Both Datetimes to Offset-Naive

If you don't need timezone information, you can convert both datetime objects to offset-naive by removing the timezone info using the replace() method:

from datetime import datetime

# Assuming dt1 is offset-aware and dt2 is offset-naive
dt1 =  # Offset-aware datetime
dt2 =  # Offset-naive datetime

# Remove timezone info from dt1
dt1_naive = dt1.replace(tzinfo=None)

# Now you can compare
if dt1_naive > dt2:
    print("dt1 is later than dt2")

2. Convert Both Datetimes to Offset-Aware

If you need to retain timezone information, you can make both datetime objects offset-aware by adding a timezone to the offset-naive datetime using pytz or datetime.timezone.

Here’s how to do it:

from datetime import datetime, timezone
import pytz

# Assuming dt1 is offset-naive and dt2 is offset-aware
dt1 =  # Offset-naive datetime
dt2 =  # Offset-aware datetime

# Convert dt1 to offset-aware by adding UTC timezone
dt1_aware = dt1.replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc)

# Alternatively, if you know the timezone, e.g., using pytz
# dt1_aware = pytz.utc.localize(dt1)

# Now you can compare
if dt1_aware > dt2:
    print("dt1 is later than dt2")

3. Convert Offset-Naive to Local Timezone

Another option is to convert the offset-naive datetime to your local timezone before the comparison:

from datetime import datetime
import pytz

# Assuming dt1 is offset-naive and dt2 is offset-aware
dt1 =  # Offset-naive datetime
dt2 =  # Offset-aware datetime

# Localize dt1 to local timezone
local_tz = pytz.timezone("America/New_York")  # Replace with your timezone
dt1_local = local_tz.localize(dt1)

# Now you can compare
if dt1_local > dt2:
    print("dt1 is later than dt2")


  • Offset-Naive Conversion: Use replace(tzinfo=None) to remove timezone information.
  • Offset-Aware Conversion: Use replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc) or pytz to add timezone information.
  • Localize Offset-Naive: Use pytz to convert the naive datetime to a specific timezone.

By ensuring both datetime objects are either offset-naive or offset-aware, you can safely compare them without encountering the TypeError.


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