The error "ImportError: attempted relative import with no known parent package" typically occurs when Python is unable to resolve a relative import due to the absence of a proper package structure or a missing module context. This issue is common when running Python scripts directly without properly setting up the package hierarchy.

Understanding the Error:

In Python, relative imports are used to import modules from the same package using dot notation. For instance, if you have a package structure like this:


You can perform relative imports in like this:

from . import module2

This will import module2 from the same package mypackage. However, relative imports require the script to be part of a package. If you try to run the file directly (e.g., python, Python treats it as a top-level script and does not recognize the package hierarchy. This results in the error:

ImportError: attempted relative import with no known parent package

Why Does This Happen?

When Python runs a script directly, it does not load the module in the context of a package, so relative imports fail because Python doesn't know the parent package. Relative imports are only valid when the module is part of a package, which is defined by having an file in the directory.

How to Fix the Error:

There are several ways to fix this error depending on your project structure and the way you run your scripts.

1. Use Absolute Imports Instead of Relative Imports:

You can change your relative import to an absolute import. For instance, instead of:

from . import module2


from mypackage import module2

Absolute imports work regardless of how the script is executed because they specify the full package path.

2. Run the Script as a Module:

Instead of running the script directly, you can run it as a module within the package. For instance, if you're in the parent directory of mypackage, run:

python -m mypackage.module1

This tells Python to treat as part of the mypackage package. The relative import will now work because Python can resolve the package hierarchy.

3. Modify the PYTHONPATH:

You can add the parent directory of your package to the PYTHONPATH environment variable. This allows Python to recognize the package structure and resolve relative imports.

For example, in Linux or macOS, you can do:

export PYTHONPATH=/path/to/your/project:$PYTHONPATH
python mypackage/

On Windows, you can set it like this:

set PYTHONPATH=C:\path\to\your\project;%PYTHONPATH%
python mypackage/

4. Use Files:

Ensure that each directory in your package has an file. This marks the directory as a Python package and helps Python handle imports correctly.

5. Reorganize Your Project:

If your project has a flat structure, consider reorganizing it into a proper package structure with directories and files. This will help Python resolve imports more efficiently.


The "ImportError: attempted relative import with no known parent package" occurs because Python cannot resolve a relative import when running a script directly. To fix this, use absolute imports, run the script as a module, modify the PYTHONPATH, or ensure your package structure is properly defined with files. By adhering to Python's package conventions, you can avoid this issue and make your imports more reliable.


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