When working with JavaScript, there are times when you need to create strings that span multiple lines for better readability and organization. Multi-line strings are especially useful when dealing with long pieces of text, HTML templates, or formatted output. JavaScript offers several ways to create multi-line strings efficiently and conveniently. In this article, we will explore different methods to create multi-line strings in JavaScript.

How to Create Multi-Line Strings in JavaScript?

1. Using Backticks (Template Literals)

The most modern and recommended way to create multi-line strings in JavaScript is by using template literals, which are enclosed by backticks (`). This method was introduced in ES6 and allows you to create multi-line strings effortlessly.

const multiLineString = `This is a multi-line string.
It spans multiple lines.
You can include variables like ${variable} easily.`;

Template literals not only support multi-line strings but also allow for embedding expressions using ${} syntax, which makes them very versatile.

2. Using Backslashes

Another method to create multi-line strings is by using backslashes (\) at the end of each line. This method was commonly used before ES6 and still works in modern JavaScript.

const multiLineString = "This is a multi-line string. \
It spans multiple lines. \
However, it can be less readable.";

Using backslashes for multi-line strings can make the code less readable and harder to maintain, which is why template literals are generally preferred.

3. Using String Concatenation

You can also create multi-line strings by concatenating single-line strings using the + operator. This method is more verbose and less readable but still valid.

const multiLineString = "This is a multi-line string. " +
                        "It spans multiple lines. " +
                        "However, it is quite cumbersome.";

String concatenation was a common practice before the introduction of template literals but is now considered outdated.


Creating multi-line strings in JavaScript can be achieved in several ways, with template literals being the most modern and preferred method due to their simplicity and readability. Backslashes and string concatenation are alternatives that are still valid but less convenient. By choosing the right method, you can make your code more readable and maintainable, especially when dealing with complex or lengthy strings.


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