In Python, commenting out multiple lines can be done in a few different ways. Here are the common methods:

How To Comment Out Multiple Lines in Python?

1. Using the Hash Symbol (#)

The most common way to comment out multiple lines in Python is by using the hash symbol (#) at the beginning of each line. This method is straightforward and works well for short sections of code.

# This is a comment
# that spans multiple
# lines in Python

2. Using Triple Quotes

Although triple quotes are typically used for multi-line strings, they can also be used to comment out multiple lines of code. This method is less common and should be used with caution, as it can sometimes cause confusion with actual multi-line strings.

This is a comment
that spans multiple
lines in Python

3. Using an IDE or Text Editor

Most Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) and text editors provide shortcuts to comment out multiple lines quickly. For instance:

  • In PyCharm: Select the lines you want to comment out and press Ctrl + / (Windows/Linux) or Cmd + / (Mac).
  • In VSCode: Select the lines and press Ctrl + / (Windows/Linux) or Cmd + / (Mac).

These shortcuts add or remove hash symbols at the beginning of each selected line.

4. Using Comment Blocks

For larger sections of code, you can create a comment block by starting each line with a hash symbol and maintaining a consistent indentation. This approach makes it easier to read and understand the commented-out code.

# Start of the comment block
# This function calculates the factorial
# of a given number recursively.
# It takes an integer as input and
# returns the factorial of that number.
def factorial(n):
    if n == 0:
        return 1
        return n * factorial(n-1)
# End of the comment block


Commenting out multiple lines in Python is an essential skill that helps in code documentation and debugging. Whether you use the hash symbol for each line, triple quotes for blocks of text, or take advantage of IDE shortcuts, the key is to make your comments clear and informative. Proper commenting not only aids in understanding your code but also enhances collaboration with other developers. Remember to keep your comments concise and relevant, and always update them as your code evolves.


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